Further to our data center & critical facilities design courses, the team is going to deliver a preparatory course which helps engineers / enterprises to facilitate compliance with the Buildings Ordinance and to become Registered Specialist Contractors (RSC) in Ventilation Works in Hong Kong.
Last update on 30 March 2022
Preparatory Course to Become a Registered Specialist Contractor
(Sub-register of Ventilation Works Category) - RSC (V)
22nd Round
Date: 28 May; 4 & 11 June 2022 (Saturday) - 12 Hours in total
Time: 9:00 - 13:00
The course is designed for ventilation and air-conditioning engineering company's Technical Director (TD), Authorized Signatory (AS) or other officers successfully becoming a registered specialist contractor (ventilation works category).
Please refer to the Practice Note for Registered Contractors (Appendix F) issued by the Buildings Department for the Requirements (1 to 3) on Qualifications and Experience for Registration as a Specialist Contractor (RSC) in the Ventilation Works Category (Alternative Requirement 4 and 5 are no longer accepted).
Participants will familiarize themselves with the interview technique, application strategies, Buildings Ordinance, ventilation and fire safety regulations, occupational safety and health and environmental protection, ventilation / air-conditioning specialized knowledge, etc. within short time and up to a professional standards of ventilation engineer.
Time: 9:00 - 13:00
The course is designed for ventilation and air-conditioning engineering company's Technical Director (TD), Authorized Signatory (AS) or other officers successfully becoming a registered specialist contractor (ventilation works category).
Please refer to the Practice Note for Registered Contractors (Appendix F) issued by the Buildings Department for the Requirements (1 to 3) on Qualifications and Experience for Registration as a Specialist Contractor (RSC) in the Ventilation Works Category (Alternative Requirement 4 and 5 are no longer accepted).
Participants will familiarize themselves with the interview technique, application strategies, Buildings Ordinance, ventilation and fire safety regulations, occupational safety and health and environmental protection, ventilation / air-conditioning specialized knowledge, etc. within short time and up to a professional standards of ventilation engineer.
For syllabus and content, please visit our website:
Course Details (Chinese) or
Course Details (English)
Please download the preparatory course's application form at http://www.stmedia-asia.com/images/aircon.pdf
Please download the preparatory course's application form at http://www.stmedia-asia.com/images/aircon.pdf
Strategic Media Asia (SMA), a critical infrastructure training and event organizer, provides an interactive environment and opportunities for members of engineers to exchange professional views and experience on critical infrastructure and electrical and mechanical facilities.
In addition, SMA is one of the CPD Course Providers of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE).
For other data center design and critical facilities courses, please visit our website at http://www.stmedia-asia.com/trainings.html.

註冊專門承建商(通風系統工程類別)預備課程 - 加強版
專門為通風及冷氣工程公司的關鍵人士:技術董事 (TD) 、獲授權簽署人 (AS) 或其他高級人員 (OO) 而設計,旨在幫助公司順利申請成為註冊專門承建商(通風系統工程類別)。
學員將會在短時間內熟習面試要點、建築物條例、通風及消防法例、職業安全健康與環保、通風及冷氣的專門 知識,並達至通風及冷氣工程師的專業水準。
- 面試技巧及模擬問題討論
- 註冊承建商作業備考 (PNRC)
- 通告函件
- 香港法例第 123 章建築物條例
- 香港法例第 123J 章建築物(通風系統)規例
- 香港法例第 132CE 章附表所列處所通風設施規例
- 香港法例第 95 章消防條例
- 防火閘、過濾器及聚塵器實務
- 通風 / 空氣調節控制系統實務
- 年檢證書
- 職業安全健康與環保
- 面試技巧
- 通風(空氣調節)系統標準發牌條件
- 申請符合通風系統規定通知書
- 暫准普通食肆牌照的衞生設施規定
- 正式普通食肆牌照標準發牌條件
- 符合規定證明書 D
- 工廠及工業經營(安全管理)規例
- 空調設備工程的工作安全及健康指引
日期:2022 年 5 月 28 日;6月4 日及 11 日 ( 星期六 ) - 共 12 小時
時間:9:00 - 13:00
授課語言:粵語 (輔以 中 / 英文講義)
了解其他 關鍵設施專業課程
Ir Dr. Samuel K.P. Lip
擁有二十多年豐富冷氣通風、消防、水務、電力及建築工程經驗及十多年本地大專院校教學經驗,熟悉註冊成為專門承建商 ( 通風系統工程 ) 授權簽署人的申請程序,並是建築物水安全計劃合資格人士、註冊電業工程人員 ( 級別: C0 )、註冊小型工程承建商獲授權簽署人、註冊能源效益評核員 ( REA ) 和 認可重新校驗專家 ( RCx Pro )。
由多位經驗豐富的英國註冊工程師組成,榮獲 英國屋宇裝備工程師學會 (CIBSE) 認可,提供持續專業發展短期課程 / 進修時數 (Approved CPD Course Provider)。自 2011 年起定期舉辦不同程度的關鍵設施課程、專業研討會及論壇,旨在提供合適的交流機會予機電工程師、屋宇裝備工程師、通訊及資訊科技界專業人士等等,同時提供關鍵設施及數據中心設計技術及知識。
詳情可瀏覽 www.stmedia-asia.com 。
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