The successful design of a backup generation system is critical to maintaining business continuity, sustaining critical operations, and life safety in the event of a serious power outage (see "Fuel system design checklist"). Without proper design and ongoing maintenance, fuel oil systems cannot meet the needs of the gensets they serve, and therefore, cannot guarantee the assumed reliability of the facility's backup power.
Fuel System Design Checklist
When designing fuel oil systems, remember
- Provide foot valves (to maintain pump prime), anti-siphon valves (to prevent accidental leakage), and fusible link shutoff valves (for fire safety).
- When calculating pump suction lift, assume the worst-case scenario (i.e., a nearly empty tank).
- When calculating friction losses through the fuel oil distribution system, assume the worst-case scenario (i.e., viscosity corresponding to the lowest anticipated fuel temperature).
- If fuel temperature is anticipated to fall below its cloud point, provide a means of heating (tank heaters, space heaters, pipe heat trace, etc.)
- Ensure storage tanks are equipped with adequate ports to accommodate pipe connections, sensors, vents, switches, etc.
- Using auxiliary tanks if necessary

Consider Using Auxiliary Tanks When
- The main tanks are located more than 50 ft away from the gensets
- The main tanks are located more than 12 ft below the gensets
- The main tanks are located above the gensets
Refer to this cheat sheet for important considerations when designing a fuel oil system:
- No. 2 fuel oil NFPA Classification: Class II
- Genset fuel consumption: approximately 7 gph/100 kW rating
- Atmospheric pressure: 30 in. Hg (mercury column)
- Minimum recommended pressure at external pump inlet: 15 in. wc
- Pressure of 2.6 ft of No. 2 fuel oil: 1 psi.

Runtime Requirements
Runtime requirement for emergency power supply systems, according to NFPA 110: Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems include:
Class 0.083: 0.083 hours = 5 minutes
Class 0.25: 0.25 hours = 15 minutes
Class 2: 2 hours
Class 6: 6 hours
Class 48: 48 hours
Class X: other times (application, code, or user dictated)
About us
Strategic Media Asia (SMA) is one of the approved CPD course providers of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) UK. The team exists to provide an interactive environment and opportunities for members of ICT industry and facilities' engineers to exchange professional views and experience.
SMA connects IT, Facilities and Design. For the other design considerations, please visit
(1) Site Selection,
(2) Space Planning,
(3) Cooling,
(4) Redundancy,
(5) Fire Suppression,
(6) Meet Me Rooms,
(7) UPS Selection,
(8) Raised Floor,
(9) Code & Standards,
(10) Transformers and Harmonic Distortion,
(11) Multi-mode UPS Systems,
(12) Electrical Rooms,
All topics focus on key components and provide technical advice and recommendations for designing a data center and critical facilities.
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